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Hybrid Model

Project 2

Using principle diagrams each member of the group creates to combine all of them to make a hybrid model which incorporates all the principles together




We first had to make two models based on our respective design principles after this as a group we had to discuss and design a hybrid model which incorporated all the different design principles into one model



For my design principle I had Balance I made two models which portrayed balance in two different senses.

Symmetrical and asymmetrical to have more options when producing the final model

Designing the hybrid model was the hardest part as there was lots of different options and it was difficult to make each design principle combine into another

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The final model was built based on the small mockup model and incorporated all the group members design principles

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The model was a great success it combined the principles together in a visually interesting yet cohesive way



From the TGCs I gained digital literacy as I did digital drafts and also obtained information for the assignment using digital tools

Thinking and problem solving skills were obtained as I had to find out a good solution to produce the hybrud model

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